Fall 2005
Note: The links below are provided in PDF format that can be viewed using Adobe's free Acrobat Reader.
40 Years of Excellence
In this anniversary year, actress
Elise Youssef is one of five
students profiled whose achieve- ments are cause for celebration. [More]
Lost History
Community studies professor Paul Ortiz tells the little-known but powerful story of black
resistence to white supremacy in post-Reconstruction Florida. [More]
Hot Tech
Graduate student Javad Shabani
is part of a team engineering
new technologies that could
convert heat—often wasted—
into electricity. [More]
of War
Historian Alice Yang Murray
coteaches a course that considers how perceptions of World
War II have changed over time. [More]
TOC / Credits
Campus Update
Alumni Profile
Campaign Update
Alumni News
Alumni Notes
Alumni Reunion Ad
Bay Tree Ad
Celebration Ad