The World is Their
Students like Christine Lee, center, have discovered that
"service learning" placements outside their classrooms
greatly enhance their UCSC education--and enable them to
make valuable contributions to society.
From the Lab to the
Graduates of John Wilkes's Science Communication Program at
UC Santa Cruz acquire skills in writing or illustration that
allow them to make complicated subjects understandable to
the general public.
Having recruited a core of faculty, UCSC's program in
electrical engineering is concentrating on opto-electronics
and other areas of research that will be key to the growth
of the high-tech industry.
During a visit to Santa Cruz coordinated by UCSC's Arts
& Lectures, Wynton Marsalis helped the young--and young
at heart--celebrate the timeless music of Duke Ellington.
The Facts of Death
A sleuth for the truth Alison Galloway's work as a highly
trained forensic anthropologist often takes her to the
scenes of major accidents and crimes, where she uncovers
vital evidence that helps reveal the truth about death.